Adult Faith Formation
Through Adult Faith Formation programs at Immanuel, we seek to deepen our relationship with God, and grow in our understanding of God’s vision for us and our world. These programs are designed to give us the insight and wisdom necessary to be a church that loves and works for justice. Programs are open to friends and members of Immanuel Church and the wider community.
Book Studies
Each year, Immanuel offers the winner of the Harriet Beecher Stowe Prize as an all-congregation book to read and discuss. The Stowe Prize recognizes a U.S. author whose written work has made a tangible impact on a social justice issue critical to contemporary society.
In 2024, Punished for Dreaming by Bettina L. Love was the Stowe Book Prize.
In 2023 we read Viral Justice by Ruha Benjamin. In addition to follow-up discussions of these important books, Immanuel hosts the authors’ discussions with the public, as part of the Stowe Foundation’s celebration of each year’s award.
In 2022 we read How the Word is Passed by Dr. Clint Smith and we explored Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis.
Other book discussions are held regularly throughout the year, as Immanuel seeks to enlarge our understanding of issues critical to our mission.
Movie Nights
Movie nights are periodically held, showcasing such movies as Breaking Boundaries about the scientific journey of world-renowned scientist Professor Johan Rockstrom, and PBS documentary John Lewis: Get in the Way.
Book studies and movie nights deepen our faith. They have been sparked by Immanuel’s members’ ongoing involvement in social justice issues, and they have also led to the formation of new task forces that reach beyond the church walls to act on our deepened understanding.
Lenten Learning Series:
This is our traditional 4-week learning series with various offering during Lent, typically focused on environmental issues.
This year, 2025, we are reading “Church of the Wild” by Victoria Loorz, 2024 silver winner of the Nautilus Book awards in the category of Religion and Spirituality of Western Thought.
Bible Study:
Fall, Winter and Spring Sundays at 8:30am in the Parlor
Currently, the Bible Study group at Immanuel is exploring the Gospel of Luke. This is generally recognized as the most literary of the gospels, and Luke’s skill as a storyteller can be seen in two beloved parables: The Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. The gospel shows great interest in the marginalized of Jewish society, with more sayings about the rich and the poor than in the other gospels. As we make our way through the gospel, we will take note of the unique perspective that Luke brings to the story of Jesus and his role in salvation history.
The Bible Study will be led by Dan Kueper, who has a Master's degree in Theological Studies. It will take place at 8:30 AM every Sunday in the Youth Room, starting on September 17. Bible Study group discussion is always spirited, with no question off-limits! Open to everyone.
Contact the Church Office,, or Dan at to find out more!
Second Hours:
Occasional Sundays throughout the year
The Deacons coordinate the scheduling and communications surrounding presentations on topics important to our congregation, which occur after worship service on selected Sundays during the year. Topics include social action and mission, pastoral care, the environment, sermon feedback or arising issues.