Support & Action in These Troubling Times
Suddenly our government doesn’t feel protective to us any longer. We fear for ourselves and for our neighbors and friends. So many of us feel helpless to make any kind of meaningful change. At Immanuel we are holding forums on Saturdays in which we can support each other and think of ways we can help. Senator Chris Murphy just held a rally locally and we hope he will do it again soon. And, we held a rally at the corner of Farmington and Woodland so that others driving by can see that we are protesting the unfair and illegal actions being taken by the new administration. The power we have is fueled by God’s abundant love and the LOVE we have for each other. And that’s a mighty powerful way to affect the world.
This page has been created to hold resources for plans in the future to continue our Stand Outs, our Support & Actions Groups, and any other information.
We’ve extended our growing gatherings into each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.
Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.
Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at
February 14th: We held this event in front of our church, and we had a great turnout!
Here is a fact sheet regarding all aspects of this gathering.
ACLU CT’s Livestream Recording! (Thank you, B. Perryman!)
Jim & Kristen Boucher put out 2 versions of this event on YouTube, assembled by their daughter Nicole. Thank you!!
Short version | Long version
Contact your legislators: : app makes calling really easy - also suggests issues and scripts.
Best to Call (better than email, letters or petitions.) Call frequently — once a week is good; once a day is terrific. If you leave a message, include your street address and zip code.
Murphy: 202-224-4041 or CT office 860-549-8463
Blumenthal: 202-224-9673 or CT office 860-258-6940
Larson: 202-225-2265 or CT office 860-278-8888
Contact the Ukrainian embassy and apologize to President Zelensky:
Pres. Volodymyr Zelensky, Embassy of Ukraine, 3350 M. St. NW, Washington DC 20007 —
Email: — Telephone: 202-349-2963
From Jessica Craven’s “Chop Wood, Carry Water”: the official fundraising site- United 24- for the government of Ukraine:
From Timothy Snyder:
Come Back Alive, a Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans;
United 24, the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects);
RAZOM, an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians;
BlueCheck Ukraine, which aims for efficient cooperation with Ukrainian groups and is also tax-deductible.
Further Actions in Groups, Apps and Websites
Indivisible CT: Hartford area group. It’s easy to join: Search “Indivisible CT” on this website or on Facebook to find the group most local to your area.
Chop Wood Carry Water Daily Actions on Substack by Jessica Craven. A blog that recommends daily actions
Mobilize: Shows virtual events, e.g. phone banking, texting, meetings, etc., on this platform. The filter option allows you to select a tactic, e.g. phone banking, date range and many other options.
Indivisible’s Actions You Can Take Now: Phone calls to your members of Congress on specific issues.
Courtwatch News related to Trump administration’s executive actions.
Daily emails with reliable, researched news with lots of links. Good overview of what’s happened the day before. Hubbell tends to remind us to keep the news in perspective and breathe!
US Representative Jamie Raskin - encourages all US citizens to join him in filing formal demands for access to their personal data obtained by DOGE. For more information, check
Additional resources:
CCAG Connecticut Citizen Action Group at
March 18; 3pm: Rally to Save Medicaid and Social Security at the South Lawn of the Capitol in Hartford. Bring signs. Speakers: Senator Chris Murphy and people sharing personal life experiences.
March 19; 6:15pm: Rep. John Larson at the Town Hall, East Windsor High School. Registration required. Please RSVP here.
March 21-28: Nestle boycott
March 22, 9:45-11:30: Saturday morning gathering at Immanuel.
April 5: 3-6PM: Hands Off! Demonstration at Capitol building, 210 Capitol Ave and all state capitols. The message “Hands off!” is a simple rallying cry against an administration that’s dangerously overreaching and throwing our democracy, our economy, and for many -- our private lives -- into chaos. Hands off our Medicaid. Hands off our Social Security. Hands off our public lands. Hands off our jobs. Hands off public education. Hands off veterans’ benefits. Hands off our undocumented neighbors. Hands off our trans siblings. Hands of Ukraine aid. Hands off our diversity programs.
Hands off Canada, ffs. Hands off our reproductive rights. Hands off our democracy.April 7-14: Walmart boycott
April 8, 6-7:30pm, Immanuel Congregational Church. Conversation with Matt Ritter on Ct’s Fiscal Roadblocks. Members of the Hartford Delegation will also be present. Cuts at the federal level necessarily impact decisions about the CT budget. This is a GHIAA and CT for All event organized by Immanuel and Asylum Hill Churches. See our event listing for RSVP details. All are welcome.
April 18: Economic blackout
April 21-28: General Mills boycott
Make a reminder to check back to this page for more updates.
We’ve been busy in the month of February! We can’t do everything, but we did a whole lot!
March 14 we held another STAND UP! event in front of Immanuel Congregational Church. A total SUCCESS! Lots of enthusiasm for the motorists passing by in rush hour afternoon traffic!
February 14th in front of Immanuel
President’s Day, February 17th, at the Capitol in Hartford, CT
Article from the Hartford Courant
”More than 1,000 protesters brave cold temps in CT to voice concerns over Trump administration”