World Ministry
Immanuel members are committed to a just and peaceful world, and to that end, we support organizations doing work around the country and throughout the world, including:
Partnership is an institution in which Immanuel Congregational Church has long had a part, growing out of an interest in reconciling opposite sides after WWII . Churches in Purley in England, Dessau in Germany, Speyer in Germany, Ostrava in the Czech Republic, and Belfast in Northern Ireland have met together every three years to study a variety of topics, renew old friendships and make new ones, and just learn about each other’s cultures by living and playing together.
Heifer Project
More than 65 years ago, Dan West herded 17 heifers onto a boat in Mobile, Alabama, and shipped them to Puerto Rico, where they were given to families whose children had never before tasted milk. This was the beginning of Heifer International, a relief organization that from the beginning has been about giving the world’s rural poor what is necessary for them to support themselves rather than making them dependent upon short-term relief.
Church World Service
Each year, Immanuel members and friends purchase blankets, often in the name of loved ones, to be sent to those in need through an initiative of Church World Service which works to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world.
UCC - Our Church’s Wider Mission
Through the United Church of Christ/ CT Conference, Immanuel supports Our Church’s Wider Mission.
Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) provides funding for the work of UCC Conference and National ministries. OCWM changes lives by strengthening our ecumenical relationships and global partnerships, by imagining and embodying a better world through prophetic witness and work, and by providing resources and programs to nurture the vitality of our United Church of Christ congregations.