Bible Study: The Gospel of Luke
to Jun 29

Bible Study: The Gospel of Luke

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The next subject of the Bible Study group at Immanuel will be the Gospel of Luke. This is generally recognized as the most literary of the gospels, and Luke’s skill as a storyteller can be seen in two beloved parables: The Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. The gospel shows great interest in the marginalized of Jewish society, with more sayings about the rich and the poor than in the other gospels. As we make our way through the gospel, we will take note of the unique perspective that Luke brings to the story of Jesus and his role in salvation history.

The Bible Study will be led by Dan Kueper, who has a Master’s degree in Theological Studies. It will take place at 8:30AM every Sunday in the Office starting on March 9. Bible Study group discussion is always spirited, with no questions off-limits! Contact the Church Office,, or Dan at to find out more!

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Candace Low's Photo Exhibit: "Divine Dust"
to Apr 30

Candace Low's Photo Exhibit: "Divine Dust"

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“I believe that Dust is sacred. In that sacredness we are created from it and at the end we are returned to it. Our journey between creation and return is a holy process. On Ash Wednesday, we receive a cross of dust from Ashes to remind us of our beginning, our return, and the discernment we must make for life in between.

I believe we are earth, all made of the same dust that touches each of us. In that moment of connection, we can have the highest form of prayer, a real communication that can change the way we live our life.

I believe we are stardust. We are stars wrapped in skin shining with light that has always been within. Every moment of our life, the Divine is renewing us, showing us what She can do if only we open our hearts and receive Her.

This exhibit is my journey of using the lessons of the dust to teach me that while I really cannot heal my mental illness, the Divine working through my life can open my soul to joy. The reflections are conversations and prayers of the heart that I will see the greater truths of the Divine, that great beginnings start in the dust and the dark and when the light greets me on a new day after the storm, I will realize that I am star dust.”

Candace is a Hartford University for Religion and Peace graduate with a focus on spirituality and worship. She is a member of the Southern New England UCC Disability Ministries Team, a social justice team that promotes accessibility to all, inclusion of people with disabilities and the dismantling of ableism. Candace began using photography as a contemplative practice during COVID after a diagnosis of mental illness. She is a survivor of an acquired brain injury which caused multiple disabilities including deafness and practices the art of receiving and sacred seeing to change the way we see the world including disability.

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Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"
7:00 PM19:00

Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"

The EAMT invites church members to participate in our Lenten Book Study. The book is “Church of the Wild” by Victoria Loorz, 2024 silver winner of the Nautilus Book awards in the category of Religion and Spirituality of Western Thought.

The author is co-founder of the Wild Church Network and Seminary of the Wild with the goal of reconnecting us with Creation through the direct experience of Nature.

Join us via Zoom on four sequential Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM to participate in team-member led discussions. This Lenten Book experience is intended to set the stage for an actual Outdoor Worship Service to be held in the Spring.

The Team has purchased 15 books which will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service on Sunday. Books can also be purchased at Amazon. A Kindle edition is available.

To register, contact Francene Adlam online at, or by phone at 860.527.8121. A Zoom link will be sent to you in advance of each session.

Reading Assignments & Leaders

March 26th: Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2 | Morven Barwick

April 2nd: Chapters 3 & 4 | Karim Ahmed

April 9th: Chapters 5 & 6 | Nancy Wright

April 16th: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | Group Discussion

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Minister Tracy Gormley's Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Minister Tracy Gormley's Celebration

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We invite you to join us on Sunday, March 30th as we celebrate Minister Tracy Gormley, who has been an extraordinary part of our community for ten and a half years. Through her incredible work with the Youth, our children and families and more recently through our Pastoral Care Ministry, Tracy has touched countless lives with her compassion, her faith and leadership. Her impact on our church family has been immeasurable, and we are so grateful for all she has done.

As part of the celebration, we will be collecting funds for a special purse to gift Tracy, a small token of our appreciation for her dedication and care over the years. If you would like to contribute to this purse, you can mail or drop off cash or check to the church office. You can also make a donation online at Just add “Purse for Tracy” in the description box (below the calendar box).

On the 30th we will officially release Tracy from ministering to our church. Then after worship we will toast and roast her. Let’s gather to honor Tracy’s contributions, share our memories, and congratulate her on the great things ahead.

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Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"
7:00 PM19:00

Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"

The EAMT invites church members to participate in our Lenten Book Study. The book is “Church of the Wild” by Victoria Loorz, 2024 silver winner of the Nautilus Book awards in the category of Religion and Spirituality of Western Thought.

The author is co-founder of the Wild Church Network and Seminary of the Wild with the goal of reconnecting us with Creation through the direct experience of Nature.

Join us via Zoom on four sequential Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM to participate in team-member led discussions. This Lenten Book experience is intended to set the stage for an actual Outdoor Worship Service to be held in the Spring.

The Team has purchased 15 books which will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service on Sunday. Books can also be purchased at Amazon. A Kindle edition is available.

To register, contact Francene Adlam online at, or by phone at 860.527.8121. A Zoom link will be sent to you in advance of each session.

Reading Assignments & Leaders

March 26th: Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2 | Morven Barwick

April 2nd: Chapters 3 & 4 | Karim Ahmed

April 9th: Chapters 5 & 6 | Nancy Wright

April 16th: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | Group Discussion

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of April. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"
7:00 PM19:00

Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"

The EAMT invites church members to participate in our Lenten Book Study. The book is “Church of the Wild” by Victoria Loorz, 2024 silver winner of the Nautilus Book awards in the category of Religion and Spirituality of Western Thought.

The author is co-founder of the Wild Church Network and Seminary of the Wild with the goal of reconnecting us with Creation through the direct experience of Nature.

Join us via Zoom on four sequential Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM to participate in team-member led discussions. This Lenten Book experience is intended to set the stage for an actual Outdoor Worship Service to be held in the Spring.

The Team has purchased 15 books which will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service on Sunday. Books can also be purchased at Amazon. A Kindle edition is available.

To register, contact Francene Adlam online at, or by phone at 860.527.8121. A Zoom link will be sent to you in advance of each session.

Reading Assignments & Leaders

March 26th: Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2 | Morven Barwick

April 2nd: Chapters 3 & 4 | Karim Ahmed

April 9th: Chapters 5 & 6 | Nancy Wright

April 16th: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | Group Discussion

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Calling All Immanuel Gardeners
9:00 AM09:00

Calling All Immanuel Gardeners

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Flower Committee is planning a spring cleanup up of the gardens and plantings around Immanuel and we need your help. We will be cleaning up debris from the winter, weeding and cutting back bushes and spreading mulch. No experience necessary. Just bring whatever garden tools you have (gloves, shovels, rakes, etc.) and join us. We will have extra tools on hand. It is a fun activity and we always provide delicious refreshments as an extra incentive!! DATE: Saturday, April 12th, Rain Date, Saturday, April 26th, 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Please let Judi Gilligan know if you can join us –

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of April. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Palm Sunday Worship
10:00 AM10:00

Palm Sunday Worship

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

April 13th is Palm Sunday and the church remembers Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. Our theme will be Shouts of Joy and Silence, and reflection on our lives being nourished by both joyful expression and savoring deep silence refreshing our souls.

We begin the journey with Jesus through the events of this holiest of weeks.

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Newcomers Brunch
11:15 AM11:15

Newcomers Brunch

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have you visited us in-person? Have you worshiped with us virtually? New to the area? Just curious to know more about Immanuel? Are you looking for a church? Then join us for a Newcomers Brunch on Sunday, April 13, 2025, after worship. We’d be happy to see you and talk about the things that are important in the life of Immanuel Congregational Church and to the lives of those who worship here. It’s a good opportunity to ask questions you might have about Immanuel, our denomination, the United Church of Christ, or about your own personal faith journey. It is also a nice way to make some connections with other newcomers. If you are a Newcomer to Immanuel, we hope you will join us.

You can register for the brunch by contacting John Scully at or calling the Church Office at 860-527-8121.

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Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"
7:00 PM19:00

Lenten Book Study: "Church of the Wild"

The EAMT invites church members to participate in our Lenten Book Study. The book is “Church of the Wild” by Victoria Loorz, 2024 silver winner of the Nautilus Book awards in the category of Religion and Spirituality of Western Thought.

The author is co-founder of the Wild Church Network and Seminary of the Wild with the goal of reconnecting us with Creation through the direct experience of Nature.

Join us via Zoom on four sequential Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM to participate in team-member led discussions. This Lenten Book experience is intended to set the stage for an actual Outdoor Worship Service to be held in the Spring.

The Team has purchased 15 books which will be available in Fellowship Hall after the service on Sunday. Books can also be purchased at Amazon. A Kindle edition is available.

To register, contact Francene Adlam online at, or by phone at 860.527.8121. A Zoom link will be sent to you in advance of each session.

Reading Assignments & Leaders

March 26th: Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2 | Morven Barwick

April 2nd: Chapters 3 & 4 | Karim Ahmed

April 9th: Chapters 5 & 6 | Nancy Wright

April 16th: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 | Group Discussion

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Maundy Thursday - A Service of Tenebrae
7:00 PM19:00

Maundy Thursday - A Service of Tenebrae

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Maundy Thursday is so meaningful, and the service is always memorable. We remember the humble act of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet and contrast that with seeking of power and control over others. We celebrate the initiation of the ritual communion and end the evening with the somber readings of the stories of this holy night. We call this Tenebrae which means “darkening” as the sanctuary becomes darker symbolizing how the events around Jesus are becoming more and more bleak. The readings end with Jesus’ arrest.

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Good Friday Worship Service
12:00 PM12:00

Good Friday Worship Service

On Good Friday we will join our siblings at Faith Congregational Church at noon. This service remembers Jesus’ acceptance of death, his sacrifice as an example of love, and the sadness of grieving a loved one who has died. Music, scripture and prayers focus on the death of a beloved teacher.

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of April. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Calling All Immanuel Gardeners (Rain Date)
9:00 AM09:00

Calling All Immanuel Gardeners (Rain Date)

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


The Flower Committee is planning a spring cleanup up of the gardens and plantings around Immanuel and we need your help. We will be cleaning up debris from the winter, weeding and cutting back bushes and spreading mulch. No experience necessary. Just bring whatever garden tools you have (gloves, shovels, rakes, etc.) and join us. We will have extra tools on hand. It is a fun activity and we always provide delicious refreshments as an extra incentive!! DATE: Saturday, April 12th, Rain Date, Saturday, April 26th, 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Please let Judi Gilligan know if you can join us –

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of April. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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BoriCorridor Tour 2025: Haciendo Punto en Otro Son
8:00 PM20:00

BoriCorridor Tour 2025: Haciendo Punto en Otro Son

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

BoriCorridor Tour 2025: Haciendo Punto en Otro Son

Get ready Boston, Hartford and NYC!! Celebrate 50 years of musical history with the group of Nueva Canción Puerto Rican, Haciendo Punto en Otro Son. Their songs have been a key tool to preserve and promote Puerto Rican cultural identity while advocating for important social causes. Join Silverio Pérez Josy Latorre and Alejandro Croatto in this special celebration!

April 25, 8:00 PM - Nancy and Edward Roberts Studio Theatre, The Huntington (Boston, MA)

April 26, 8:00 PM - Immanuel Congregational Church, (Hartford, CT)

April 27, 5:00 PM - Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture (Bronx, NY)

Tickets available at

#HaciendoPuntoEnOtroSon #larutadelos50 #músicaboricua #nuevacanción #culturapuertorriqueña #boritix #BoriCorridor #boricorridortour2025
Boletos disponibles en

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Presentation: Christian Atonement: History and Modern Views
3:00 PM15:00

Presentation: Christian Atonement: History and Modern Views

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A core Christian confession is that Jesus Christ died for us. How have Christians understood the reconciling work of Christ - both his life and his death - in the past, and how should we understand it today? In this presentation, Daniel Kueper discusses the biblical roots of the idea of atonement, and the different “models” that the church has used to explain Christian atonement.

Attendees are invited to respond to the presentation by offering their thoughts n what atonement should mean today. The presentation will take place n the Parlor on March 16 at 3PM.

Dan has a Master’s degree in Theology, and facilitates Bible Study on Sunday mornings

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Stand Up!
4:00 PM16:00

Stand Up!

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our 2nd STAND UP! in front of Immanuel Church (on the corner of Farmington Ave. and Woodland St.) at 4pm this Friday. We're standing up for those who can't. We're standing up against the current Administration's cuts to basic human services and attacks on human rights.

Bring your own sign, make your own sign, or use one of the many we've already created!

Parking is available on Woodland Street and also at Town & County Club at 22 Woodland St. Invite your friends and neighbors. Let's make some #goodtrouble right in the middle of rush hour traffic!

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VOCE in Concert: Neverland at Immanuel
3:00 PM15:00

VOCE in Concert: Neverland at Immanuel

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dive headfirst with us into our next concert, “Neverland”! Explore through song the power of water as a source of vitality, renewal, and connection.

Saturday, March 8 at 7:30pm
South Congregational Church
949 Main Street, South Glastonbury CT

Sunday, March 9 at 3:00pm
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street, Hartford CT

You don’t want to miss this — tickets are on sale now! All ages are welcome. Visit or click the “Neverland Tickets” link in our bio to secure your seats.

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Second Hour: Islamic Spirituality and the Role of Jesus Christ
11:15 AM11:15

Second Hour: Islamic Spirituality and the Role of Jesus Christ

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on March 9th following worship for a Second Hour with Hina Khan. During this Second Hour, our HIU Intern Hina will introduce the congregation to the concepts of Spirituality and Mysticism as understood under the lens of Islam. She will elaborate on the critical importance of the archetype Isa Ibn Maryam — Jesus Son of Mary (Peace be upon him) for Muslim mystics often referred to as Sufis. She will uncover Sufi teachings pertaining to asceticism, divine mercy, and excellence of being, using references to Jesus Christ in the Quran, Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammed PBUH), and critical Sufi texts.

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VOCE in Concert: Neverland in Glastonbury
7:30 PM19:30

VOCE in Concert: Neverland in Glastonbury

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dive headfirst with us into our next concert, “Neverland”! Explore through song the power of water as a source of vitality, renewal, and connection.

Saturday, March 8 at 7:30pm
South Congregational Church
949 Main Street, South Glastonbury CT

Sunday, March 9 at 3:00pm
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street, Hartford CT

You don’t want to miss this — tickets are on sale now! All ages are welcome. Visit or click the “Neverland Tickets” link in our bio to secure your seats.

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Ash Wednesday
7:00 PM19:00

Ash Wednesday

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ash Wednesday Service


Join us Wednesday March 5th at 7pm for Ash Wednesday Service

Come Wednesday evening for a meditative worship service in the chapel. We will be joined by our siblings in Christ from Center Church and Riverfront Family Church. The service will inaugurate the season of Lent leading up to Easter. This quiet service will include ashes for those who want to receive them and a brief celebration of communion along with reflective music and consideration of the meaning of the Beatitudes for our lives today. If you have not ever participated in this service, you will find it meaningful and a way to really mark your entrance into this holy season of Lent.

Devotional Books for Lent

We have two dozen devotional books for this season of Lent. They use the same scripture from the Gospel of Luke that Dr Jay will be reflecting on in the sermons throughout the 40 days of Lent leading up to and including Holy Week and Easter. These devotional books offer readings, prayers, poems and art work for each week, to be used anytime (or several times) through each week. You will find these booklets to be thought provoking and prayer inducing. The theme of Lent is Everything In Between and will help us to find God in between polarities, in the space in between extremes, like intention and action, like neighbor and stranger. Pick one up at either entrance to the sanctuary. Or you can ask for one by calling the church office at 860-527-8121.

Daily Devotional Cards

We have daily devotional cards for each day through the season of Lent.  These cards have a pointed question on one side and a prayer on the other side. These cards will stimulate your reflections as you journey through this sacred time leading up to Holy Week and Easter. Ask Dr Jay or call the office for a set of these cards. We only have a few sets. We believe that these will be helpful daily companions leading you deeper in your spiritual life.

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Special Congregational Meeting
11:00 AM11:00

Special Congregational Meeting

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Senior Minister of Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC, 10 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT, requests a special meeting of the congregation on Sunday, March 2, 2025, to begin immediately following the 10am worship service, to accept the Church Council’s recommendation to enter into a contract and proceed with the sale of 360 Farmington Ave. The Congregational meeting will be in-person and live-streamed on Immanuel’s Facebook page at

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of March. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

We have created a page on this website with a list of resources, upcoming meetings, rallies and Town Halls.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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A Reading of James Baldwin's "The Amen Corner"
3:00 PM15:00

A Reading of James Baldwin's "The Amen Corner"

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Charter Oak Cultural Center and Immanuel Congregational Church present
A Reading of James Baldwin's
Directed by taneisha duggan

Sunday, February 23 at 3PM
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT

For to his first work for the theater James Baldwin brought all the fervor and majestic rhetoric of the storefront churches of his childhood along with an unwavering awareness of the price those churches exacted from their worshipers.

For years Sister Margaret Alexander has moved her Harlem congregation with a mixture of personal charisma and ferocious piety. But when Margaret's estranged husband, a scapegrace jazz musician, comes home to die, she is in danger of losing both her standing in the church and the son she has tried to keep on the godly path. THE AMEN CORNER is a play about faith and family, about the gulf between black men and black women and black fathers and black sons. It is a scalding, uplifting, sorrowful and exultant masterpiece of the modern American theater.

Tickets: $15; No one turned away for lack of funds. For tickets, click here:

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The Neck: A Book Conversation with Kent Dunlap
4:00 PM16:00

The Neck: A Book Conversation with Kent Dunlap

Join us on Saturday, February 22, 4:00 pm, Real Art Ways located at 56 Arbor Street, Hartford CT, for a conversation with author Kent Dunlap to celebrate the launch of his new book, The Neck: A Natural and Cultural History. A 300-million-year tour of the prominent role of the neck in animal evolution and human culture. Humans give a lot of attention to the neck.

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of February. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

Town Hall Meetings with Sen. Murphy: We have been in conversation with the offices of Senators Blumenthal and Murphy and Representative Larson, inviting them to use the Immanuel sanctuary to hold a town hall meeting. Stay tuned for developing events. If any of them can come we will cancel this meeting and host them instead. We will keep you posted.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of February. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:30am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

Town Hall Meetings with Sen. Murphy: We have been in conversation with the offices of Senators Blumenthal and Murphy and Representative Larson, inviting them to use the Immanuel sanctuary to hold a town hall meeting. Stay tuned for developing events. If any of them can come we will cancel this meeting and host them instead. We will keep you posted.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Stand Out Visibility Action
7:30 AM07:30

Stand Out Visibility Action

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As many of you know, we have been having gatherings on Saturdays, which began as an opportunity for people to come together to share their outrage, fears, sadness over the new administration’s executive orders, as well as space for people to figure out how we might provide support and help to those most vulnerable populations being targeted: immigrants, people experiencing poverty, and LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender and nonbinary people.

We will be holding a Stand Out Visibility Action this Friday, from 7:30am to 9:00am at the corner of Woodland St. and Farmington Ave. to show our support for those vulnerable communities, for the environment, and for other areas of concern.

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Sen. Chris Murphy: Citizen Meeting
11:45 AM11:45

Sen. Chris Murphy: Citizen Meeting

From Sen. Murphy’s Office:

As Elon Musk and President Trump threaten to freeze federal funding, layoff federal workers, and dismantle agencies, Senator Murphy is hosting a Citizen Meeting to provide an update on what he’s doing to fight for people in our state followed by a Q&A with attendees. He will be joined by Senator Blumenthal.

UPDATE***: This event filled up very quickly but you can still watch it LIVE online at

To Immanuel Congregational folks, please note that our Support Group scheduled for Saturday at 10am is still on, but will end at 11am so people can either go in person (if they were lucky enough to get a seat), or live online.

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Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support & Action Group: Responses to New Administration's Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

See this Event’s INFO about Sen. Murphy’s Citizens Meeting.

Our growing gathering will continue each Saturday morning through the month of February. Join us in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall from 10am to 11:00am to support each other and to support the people and the laws at risk under the new federal executive orders and actions.

Come at 9:45am for refreshments and conversation. Please consider inviting a friend. All are welcome.

Stand Out Visibility Action: On Friday, February 14th, from 7:30am to 9am we will gather at the corner of Farmington Ave and Woodland St. There is strong energy in this group to show our support more visibly. We will work on messaging this Saturday and announce a sign-making opportunity soon.

Questions: Contact Anne Stanback at or Dr. Jay Terbush at

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Hartbeat Ensemble: Citizen James
to Feb 16

Hartbeat Ensemble: Citizen James

  • Carriage House Theater (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Citizen James, or the Young Man Without a Country

By Kyle Bass | Directed by Joann Yarrow

Young James is an unknown aspiring “Negro” writer whose first novel has yet to be published. He awaits his flight, having just left his family with the news of his decision to flee America for refuge in Paris. He speaks no French. He has a one-way ticket and $40 in his pocket. Witness James Baldwin as he decides he must do something to save himself from the violent reality of racist America in 1948, a decision that sets him on the path to becoming a brilliant, powerful, and prophetic voice of the Civil Rights era and beyond. In celebration of Baldwin’s 100th birthday, Citizen James is a bridge that connects the past to our now.

Citizen James, or the Young Man Without a Country, had its World Premiere at Syracuse Stage, 820 E Genesee St., Syracuse, NY, in 2024.

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Support Gathering for New Federal Policies
10:00 AM10:00

Support Gathering for New Federal Policies

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This past Saturday morning, 20 people gathered in Immanuel’s Fellowship Hall to discern how to live out our Christian faith and Immanuel values in these days. We gathered to share concerns and fears, and potential responses to the policies of the new administration impacting the most vulnerable people in our communities: immigrants and refugees, the LGBTQ+ community—particularly transgender and nonbinary people—people experiencing poverty, justice-involved individuals, and women needing reproductive care. Concerns were also voiced about the environment and health care, among other areas.

Dr. Jay opened the gathering with prayer and scripture that reminded us of the biblical basis for welcoming the stranger and caring and advocating for vulnerable populations and the dispossessed. We broke into dyads for one-on-one conversations and then opened the meeting to share ideas of how we can support both those who are afraid and under threat and those working on the front lines providing services and legal advocacy. People also voiced an interest in finding a way to show support in a visible way on our corner of Farmington Avenue and Woodland Street, and connecting to impactful efforts already underway.

The group agreed to meet again this coming Saturday, February 1 at 10am in Fellowship Hall. If this invitation for solidarity, challenge and comfort sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please join us by contacting the church office at or 860-527-8121. Or just come. And feel free to bring friends or others impacted by these injustices.

Thank you,

Anne Stanback

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Annual Meeting
11:00 AM11:00

Annual Meeting

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Annual Meeting of Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC, 10 Woodland Street, Hartford, Connecticut, 06105, will be held immediately following the 10am worship service on Sunday, January 26th, 2025.

The meeting will receive reports, adopt the budget, elect officers and transact other business proper to come before the meeting. The meeting will be in-person in the sanctuary and live-streamed on Immanuel’s Facebook page.

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Worship Service
10:00 AM10:00

Worship Service

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Today is quite a busy and significant day in the life of Immanuel!

Our guest preacher today is Noel Grisanti and her message is “Go Back and Get It: Traditions of Hope”.

Also in today’s worship there will be a Dedication of our Pastoral Search Team. Anne Stanback, Moderator, will introduce the Search Team’s function, and the members of the Team:
Diana Evans, Gretchen Hathaway, Marilyn Holt, Barbara Howe, Beth Jackson, Jesse Jones, Lawrence Paterno, Melissa St. Juste and Bob Willard.

Immediately following worship is our Annual Meeting.

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Martin Luther King Jr Remembrance
3:00 PM15:00

Martin Luther King Jr Remembrance

First Church Martin Luther King Jr Remembrance Service:
One Nation, One Dream

Come join us as we celebrate the renowned preacher, civil rights activist and ‘drum major for justice,’ the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This event will take place Monday, January 20th at Faith Church at 3pm. Our guest speaker is Mr. Andre Keitt, a multifaceted Connecticut Storyteller, Educator, Performance Artists; and Greatheart Griot, who is a member of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, and serves on its history committee (among his many other callings).

This program will be IN-PERSON, and you may join us via our LIVE STREAM here or at

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