The Story of Interfaith Eco Kids

Our first Eco Kids group started in the Fall of 2018 by joining with Ocean Guardians in their No Straws November Campaign.  Lynn Johnson of the Environmental Action Committee (EAC) of Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford was asked by Tracy Gormley, Director of Children’s Ministry, to visit the Youth Group and ask if they were interested in leading a No Straws Campaign.  That year, we focused on asking local restaurants to adopt a “straws on request” policy, which we were successful in getting the Pond House Cafe to do.  High School student Luke Dunlap made a strong announcement during a Worship Service asking the congregation to commit to refusing all straws.


In the Fall of 2019 Lynn taught a Sunday School class focused around the damage being done to our Oceans and to the Long Island Sound by plastic pollution. The class decided to join the “No Straws November” campaign again, with the design of a reusable cup and lid.  Our ”Immanuel Eco Cups”  replace the throw-away ones with straws sticking out from take- out places that were littering our neighborhoods and beaches.  Luke Dunlap once again made an announcement during Worship. We offered the Eco Cups for a donation to EAC , and they proved popular as stocking stuffers.

When 2020 arrived, the Eco Kids had planned a “Bike to Church” for Earth Day.  Then COVID arrived and Immanuel went online.  So, with Luke Dulap as Youth Coordinator, we put together a different kind of bike ride.   Around 15 people participated in a “Earth Week Bike for Foodshare,” each biking on their own. The bikers asked for sponsors to donate to Foodshare for our neighbors struggling to get food at the beginning of the COVID outbreak. The Eco Kids raised over $3,000!


In the Fall of 2020, we once again participated in the “No Straws November” campaign, this year designing a button featuring an endangered Sea Turtle saying “Stay Straw Free” and “Save the Sound.”

We also created an “Eco Kids Promise” stating “ I promise to live the Greenest and Most Sustainable Life possible for me!” Anyone, of any age, can be an Eco Kid by making that promise.

In December, Luke Dunlap decided to step down as Coordinator.  High School students Janelle Martinez and Grace Donahue, who had both raised money during our Earth Week bike ride, will be our new Co-Coordinators. Grace suggested we call ourselves the Interfaith Eco Kids, being open to young people in all kinds of congregations that may want to form chapters. 

At the end of 2020, several of our members attended national online conferences on Climate Justice.   One was sponsored by Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) and featured youth from around the country doing climate work. IPL recommended connecting with their Connecticut state affiliate, the Interreligious Eco Justice Network (IREJN).  At their Board Meeting in December, IREJN voted to accept the Interfaith Eco Kids as their youth affiliate!

In January of 2021, Sena Wazer, Climate Activist and Co Director  of Sunrise Connecticut, agreed to be the Youth Advisor for Interfaith Eco Kids. We are very excited to have Sena work with us, to demonstrate and empower youth climate leadership! In February Sena, Janelle, Grace, and Eco Kids Frankie and Johnny Nicewander presented a Zoom Seminar “Our Youth Speak Out on the Environment” for the Immanuel Congregation. Adults reported they were  educated and moved by what the kids had to say!

In March we organized our second annual “Earthweek Bike for Foodshare” and were joined by kids and adults from the Hartford Friends Meeting. In April of 2021, Immanuel Eco Kids and Quaker Eco Kids together were able to raise over $4,500 for the Connecticut Foodbank/Foodshare.

We are pleased about what we have accomplished so far, and are grateful to all the kids and parents who have helped us. Our next goal is to organize a Beach Clean up with Save the Sound. We look forward to the future when we can really shift to a more green and sustainable world!

The following people currently serve as our coordinators and advisors:

Grace Donahue, Co-Coordinator, Immanuel Eco Kids 
Janelle Martinez, Co-Coordinator, Immanuel Eco Kids 
India Liddell, Parent Advisor, Immanuel Eco Kids
Melissa Becce, Parent Advisor, Quaker Eco Kids
Sena Wazer, Youth Advisor, Interfaith Eco Kids
Lynn Johnson, Adult Advisor, Interfaith Eco Kids

For more info about the Interfaith Eco Kids, please contact: