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Ash Wednesday

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC 10 Woodland Street Hartford, CT, 06105 United States (map)

Ash Wednesday Service


Join us Wednesday March 5th at 7pm for Ash Wednesday Service

Come Wednesday evening for a meditative worship service in the chapel. We will be joined by our siblings in Christ from Center Church and Riverfront Family Church. The service will inaugurate the season of Lent leading up to Easter. This quiet service will include ashes for those who want to receive them and a brief celebration of communion along with reflective music and consideration of the meaning of the Beatitudes for our lives today. If you have not ever participated in this service, you will find it meaningful and a way to really mark your entrance into this holy season of Lent.

Devotional Books for Lent

We have two dozen devotional books for this season of Lent. They use the same scripture from the Gospel of Luke that Dr Jay will be reflecting on in the sermons throughout the 40 days of Lent leading up to and including Holy Week and Easter. These devotional books offer readings, prayers, poems and art work for each week, to be used anytime (or several times) through each week. You will find these booklets to be thought provoking and prayer inducing. The theme of Lent is Everything In Between and will help us to find God in between polarities, in the space in between extremes, like intention and action, like neighbor and stranger. Pick one up at either entrance to the sanctuary. Or you can ask for one by calling the church office at 860-527-8121.

Daily Devotional Cards

We have daily devotional cards for each day through the season of Lent.  These cards have a pointed question on one side and a prayer on the other side. These cards will stimulate your reflections as you journey through this sacred time leading up to Holy Week and Easter. Ask Dr Jay or call the office for a set of these cards. We only have a few sets. We believe that these will be helpful daily companions leading you deeper in your spiritual life.