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BoriCorridor Tour 2025: Haciendo Punto en Otro Son

  • Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC 10 Woodland Street Hartford, CT, 06105 United States (map)

BoriCorridor Tour 2025: Haciendo Punto en Otro Son

Get ready Boston, Hartford and NYC!! Celebrate 50 years of musical history with the group of Nueva Canción Puerto Rican, Haciendo Punto en Otro Son. Their songs have been a key tool to preserve and promote Puerto Rican cultural identity while advocating for important social causes. Join Silverio Pérez Josy Latorre and Alejandro Croatto in this special celebration!

April 25, 8:00 PM - Nancy and Edward Roberts Studio Theatre, The Huntington (Boston, MA)

April 26, 8:00 PM - Immanuel Congregational Church, (Hartford, CT)

April 27, 5:00 PM - Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture (Bronx, NY)

Tickets available at

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