On Sunday, April 28th, Keith Powell will present an Informational Session highlighting some much needed repairs to extend the life of our church building and provide critical safety repairs important for Immanuel members and the children of Trinity Academy. This important Informational Session will be a precursor to the Special Congregational Meeting scheduled after our May 12th service.
Background: The Immanuel Church building is turning 125 this year. In February, Church Council authorized hiring Tiger Home and Building Inspections to perform an inspection of our building, something that has not happened in recent memory. We know that we have deferred maintenance on our historic building for too long. That, along with the collapse of the church in New London was an impetus to do this inspection, as was the decision to have Trinity Academy lease our second floor beginning in August.
Church Council quickly realized the extent of the work required and the coordination to solicit bids to perform that work would not happen if we did not hire a Project Manager. Given that former Property Committee Chair, Keith Powell, was one of the four Tiger inspectors and that he has extensive knowledge of the building, a vote was taken to approve hiring Keith to oversee completion of this work through September.