Join our team - Immanuel Walkers in the Walk Against Hunger, Saturday, May 4th starting at 9:30 AM at Dunkin’ Stadium. Foodshare will allocate every penny of our team’s donations to Loaves and Fishes.
We hope you will WALK!
This year we are hoping many of us will walk in addition to donating. It’s a fun way to talk to our Immanuel friends. Pre-pandemic, as many as 60 people from Immanuel walked, creating a real Immanuel presence. Join our team at the stadium, and Walk with us – the whole route is 1.5 miles.
We hope you will DONATE!
1. You can drop off your donation (Cash or Check) at the table in Fellowship Hall.
2. You can put check in the collection plate putting “Walk” in the memo line.
3. You can donate on the Immanuel Web site .
Click on the Give Online button
Click on the “Donate” button in the “Donation” box
Choose amount
Choose “One time” button
Type “Walk” into the Note box below the calendar.
4. Or you can go to
Click donate now.
Select amount.
Type in “Immanuel Walkers” in the Search box.
Hunger continues to be a serious problem in Connecticut. Let’s walk together to help our neighbors.