During these cold winter nights, 50 homeless folks wait for Hartford’s overnight shelter run by South Park Inn to open its doors at 7pm. Upon entering, folks are greeted with a hot meal.
On Wednesdays from January through March, those meals and desserts will be provided by Immanuel! The Social Action and Mission team will take care of alternate Wednesdays, beginning January 1. We hope you will help with the other Wednesdays!
Will you help?
Shop for food (recipes and amounts will be provided) and deliver to Immanuel.
Provide clementines and/or bananas for 50
Provide cookies / dessert for 50
Prepare food with others late Wednesday afternoons in Immanuel’s kitchen
Deliver food to shelter on Washington St. at 6:30pm
Donate money to purchase groceries “shelter meals”
If you are able to join us, please sign up on the social action board in Fellowship Hall or contact Nancy Rion (nancyrion2@gmail.com). We will email you to learn how you’d like to contribute and what dates for work you.
Jesus encouraged us to feed the poor. We hope you will help us in this effort.
Thank you from the Social Action and Mission Team.