In 2011 over 40 members and friends of Immanuel read and discussed Half the Sky, a book by Nicholas Kristof and Shery WuDunn, describing the oppression of women in the world today, along with many concrete ideas for how to turn the oppression into opportunities. The Half the Sky Group were inspired and decided to devote their energies to two projects, one in India and the other in Hartford.
The Half the Sky Group chose to contribute to a new educational center established by Apne Aap in Calcutta, India. Apne Aap rescues girls and young women from sexual slavery and places them in their centers where they learn sewing and other skills that allow them to be financially independent. Members and friends raised more than $6000 for Apne Aap and continue to remain in contact with the Center.
The Half the Sky Group also chose to host monthly birthday parties for the homeless residents of Marshall House, located on S. Marshall St. in Hartford. The Shelter is a temporary home primarily to women and children.
The Half the Sky Group is committed to affirming the dignity and infinite value of every member of the human family.
For more information or to volunteer for the monthly birthday parties, contact Immanuel member, Stan Maticka.