Through the United Church of Christ/ CT Conference, Immanuel supports Our Church’s Wider Mission.
Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) provides funding for the work of UCC Conference and National ministries. OCWM changes lives by strengthening our ecumenical relationships and global partnerships, by imagining and embodying a better world through prophetic witness and work, and by providing resources and programs to nurture the vitality of our United Church of Christ congregations.
Connecticut UCC congregations send thousands of dollars to Wider Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ to fund disaster relief. The Justice Action Network keeps participants informed about important issues and actions that are taking place around the world.
Our Church’s Wider Mission keeps the church strong, even as it engages in mission and outreach to others. The church has a unique and important role to play in our society and the world today and for future generations. Immanuel Congregational Church helps sustain the church and its ministries by supporting Our Church’s Wider Mission.
For more information, contact Immanuel member, Cecile Gilson or the UCC website: